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Quick meals, Sauces, Salads and Dips

Marinara Sauce


 Marinara (mariner’s) sauce is a South Italian tomato sauce. The most of basic recipes has tomatoes, garlic, herbs and onions. It’s pretty good to serve with pasta, rice or even seafood. I prepared this sometime this week to serve with pasta (pasta alla marinara as Italians would call it) and some broccoli on the side. Ingredients: 3 […]

Dinner/Lunch, Quick meals

My Ratatouille


 I had some leftover rice (as usual O-o) and I needed to cook something quick and easy that would accompany it. For some reason that evening we arrived home pretty full, so I just cooked so that I could have something to carry for lunch the following day. Initially I had wanted to stew some […]

Dinner/Lunch, Quick meals

Egg Curry


 Sorry Dee yet again I put up a recipe with eggs. Forgive me . This is a recipe I learnt from my mother, we used to prepare this mostly to serve as an accompaniment for rice though one can also serve it with ugali or pasta. I prepared this dish sometime last week. Being the […]

Breakfast, Quick meals, Snacks/Desserts

French toast


 Bread being one of the simplest things to prepare for breakfast, I am always in search of new ways of serving it. Don’t let the name fool you french toast has to be one of the easiest and fastest things to make for breakfast. No elaborate culinary skills needed. Nothing like the egg in a […]