Thanks to my foodie pen pal for the month of March, Swabra, I have a new recipe up my sleeve. The dips is perfect for bhajias.
The main star being the tamarinds.

500ml hot water
1 rind (about 8-10 seeds) of tamarind
1 small onion finely chopped
A handful of chopped dhania
Sugar – depends on your taste buds
In a bowl, pour in the hot water then soak the tamarind seeds.
Soak till the brown stuff lets out. Then sieve the particles. In related news, I need a proper sieve it took close to forever to sieve.

Add the sugar, chopped dhania and onions. Her recipe also had blended carrots and chillis, didn’t have either.

Tangy and delicious.
Thanks Swabra :*