Another simple sandwich that is fit for breakfast or a light lunch.
The ingredients are pretty simple.
Slices of bread
2 beef/pork brawn slices
2 sausages fried
Cheese slices – I used mozzarella
Start by toasting the bread, still no toaster so I did it the skillet way. On a hot skillet add your butter/margarine then add the bread and toast.

Fry the sausage and set aside.
Drizzle honey over your bread, toasted side down.
Then add the brawn and cheese slices
Put the bread in the microwave for about 1 minute or until the cheese melts.
Half the sausages then cut then lengthwise and add them.Put the other slice of bread.

Delicious, sweet cause of the honey and savoury.
Now this looks like a sandwich I would enjoy!! Meat, meat and more meat!!
he he he right up your alley. This week i’ll even put more meaty recipes, be on the look out.
microwaving the bread doesnt make it hard?
Yes it does, however it depends on the timing. A few seconds won’t do any harm.
Thanks for this, I love it! I have already mentioned in another post/comments, & I’ll mention it here as well, that this picture story recipe blogging is of great help to a challenged cook like myself. I made this sandwich and my family LOVES it. I’ve had to make it every Sunday due to popular demand. I took photos with my ka-phone & as soon as I figure out how to extract & post them, I will show you.
Hey Mbula?
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the kind words. I am glad that your family gets to enjoy your cooking. Soon you figure out you can post the photos, you can opt to either tag me @leotunapika on twitter
Hey, my family thanks you. Sorry, I’m so analog I don’t understand what you said at the end there :-s Let me ask for help from my friends who are well versed in the most recent technologies, aka twitter.