Yippee!!! This is my 60th post!! Wa!! Imagine.
Thank you all for reading my cooking journal, commenting, liking and even trying out these recipes. I’m humbled.
This meal I prepared a while back when we had a friend over for dinner. This dish closely resembles this one , however I used boneless chicken breasts and I also added some yoghurt.

2 boneless chicken breasts cut into strips
1 medium sized white onion sliced
1/2 red bell pepper diced
1/2 green bell pepper diced
1 tomato diced
1/3 cup plain yoghurt
1 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp vegetable oil
Salt and pepper to taste

Start by coating the chicken with the soy sauce. In a ziploc bag or polythene bag put the chicken strips then add the soy sauce then shake to ensure they are fully coated. Let it the chicken stand for 10 minutes or so.

In a sauce pan, heat the vegetable oil. Add the chicken strips, stir to ensure the chicken browns.

Let the chicken cook for about 15 minutes then add the onions and bell peppers. (I also added one tomato diced, after hubby’s advice). Remember to season with the salt and black pepper.

Cover and let the tomato, onion and peppers cook down.

Finally add the yoghurt.

Cover for about 5 minutes then stir and serve.
I served the chicken over steamed pasta but I believe it will taste even better with rice.

Hi, i have been a ghost reader slowly stalking the recipes…MUHAHAha..anyhuuu, I have always had nasty kitchen disaster when using yogurt or mala when making curry. seriously though, should i use natural yogurt or sweetened? love love love your blog.
he he Peace you are funny.
Thanks for commenting.
When cooking in curries and sauces plain or natural yoghurt is the ideal to use.
As for mala use the unsweetened or natural one.
Thanks for the love.
i made this and it was so good I remembered I should have taken pics waaay after it was done.ardent reader and fan.thank you for making me look good 🙂