Author: Gatuiri

Breakfast, Dinner/Lunch, Quick meals


According to Wikipedia a frittata is an egg based Italian dish with additional ingredients such as meats, and vegetables. Well, if you ask me a frittata is an omelette on steroids. The first time I heard of this dish, I was busy watching one of my fave you tube cooking channel by Laura Vitale. This […]

Breakfast, Sandwich

Brawn and Onion Sandwich

I have had some beef brawn in the freezer for quite a while and to be honest I’d gotten tired of the usual brawn sandwich. A few Fridays ago, I woke up pretty psyched to make breakfast and all I had was some bread, honey, the brawn and onions. After posting the end result on […]


Baked Chicken Drumsticks

In case you haven’t guessed by now, we love white meat hence the reason the blog is filled with chicken and fish recipes. Some time last I was craving some chicken and I thought of preparing this to serve with ugali and sukuma wiki. Sadly the supermarket was out of chicken legs so I decided to […]


Baking 101: Equipment

I have received various queries on baking and also requests to post a basic cake recipe. In light of the various requests, I have decided to do a two part series on basic baking. For part one, I’ll tackle the various equipment necessary for baking. Depending on the kind and quantity of cake being baked […]

Dinner/Lunch, Quick meals

Baked Sweet Potatoes

Hey foodies? This is a pretty easy recipe. In Kenya, sweet potatoes are majorly served as an accompaniment for tea. There are easy to prepare seeing that you only have to boil them and voila breakfast. I am not a big fan of sweet potatoes but after seeing many diverse ways of preparing them I […]


Vegetable Pilau

Since my successful try at making pilau I have been more confident thus made different variations of it. I’ve tried with chicken and toady I share my vegetable pilau recipe. The recipe is more or less the same as the one I had posted earlier, the only major variation being I have used veggies instead […]


Mama’s All in One Meat Stew

I have been meaning to post this recipe for the longest time but true to my nature I keep postponing. Anyway, this is a recipe I learnt from my mama, it’s something she used to make for lunch when we had closed school for the holidays. As the name suggests it’s a one pot meal […]