I received an SMS from my mother on Sunday informing me that she had some ripe avocados and she wanted me to go for some.
Since I got married, I usually get such texts from her, telling me to go for various goodies of which I’m very grateful.Since my hubby loves avocados so he was more than eager to take me to pick them :-).
I love putting avocados on bread since not only do they have good fats the unsaturated kind, they are also pretty filling.
So for breakfast sometime this week I thought of making something pretty quick and easy with some buns I’d bought from the supermarket. The good thing about this sandwich is that it takes a record 5 minutes or less to prepare #WIN.
Half the avocado and remove the pith. Half the buns.
Top the half of each bun with some avocado.

At this point it’s good to eat.
However, I decided to add some slices of brawn just to spice things up 🙂

Breakfast is served.
Thanks Hun